my garbage, replace light bulbs, invite me to wonderful meals, take me out to eat, move my furniture, teach
me how to spend my money, see to it that their
children remember me. hehe. Judy in Fla on the beach and having some continuing education classes told Abby to be sure to call me. Abby did not say so but I know this wonderful daughter. Merry getting a little rest at Northcroft, can't paint because I keep sending her stuff to do, Hugh filled out my tax on line and<> and said you have to pay money. What would I do without these great puffs of wind. They keep me out of trouble.
Not a bad daughter-in-law either......she too, is my daughter,
True, I'm only an email away and your the queen of my heart. :)
Well, you made enough money on NHI this week to pay your taxes...
Best news yet, Nathug...........
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