Actually, Leonard and I did not know
each other when we were little. I just
became so good with my computer
(with a little help from grandson) that
I took him out of a picture with his two
brothers and put him right in that
little red wagon where Dot had been.
Our parents knew each other and his parents
were always held in highest esteem by
my parents. Leonard came from a
wonderful home, for which I continue
to thank God. I loved his parents just as I
did my own. I visited in their home
on most date nights, because his father
operated a dairy barn and he had to
help there at night. He would rush in,
change his clothes, go to the barn
with his father, and do his chores. Then he
would rush back to the house, shower, dress, then
off we would go on our date. He did his
thing, then we had to do mine. It was
off to the evening worship service.
How I thank God for these four won-
derful people who gave us life, tended us during
formative years, then supported
us in our marriage...Well, it lasted
60 1/2 years!
This picture made in Auburn, Ky at
my grandmother's, just five weeks
before we married.
What a wonderful, handsome man I
married. The one that God had
selected for me long before we, the
little three and five year old children in the wagon,
were even born.
His dash was completed 12/8/05.
Nana, I appreciate your recognition of your wonderful parents and parents-in-law. That is what Merry and I strive to be, too. You are a terrific Mother-in-law. I appreciate all that you and Pop have done for us and the great role-model you are for the entire family. Love, Terrence.
I appreciate the wonderful parental support that you and Dad always gave me. You learned your lessons well. I will do my best to pass it on.
Keep blogging!
I love Dad's dash! So very full with caring, love and making memories of all kinds. I am so thankful that your Dash, Mom, is still being filled with love and memories. I can still smell those milk barns. I love hearing about Dad working on the farm. Oh, how I know how much he loved that. I'm so glad he could show us how much fun that can be.
You make me cry!
God bless all,
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