Using colored file folders, glue, scissors, a small sharp knife, a cutting board and an inexpensive, large-print paperback NIV Bible (about $13.00 when ordered from the International Bible Society), we divided the Bible up into six smaller books (Merry had permission from her pastor) so to make it easier to spend time with God. His word being our greatest gift, we decided to spend more time getting to know the author! We study our Bibles in various classes but these little easy-to-hold and read books are just for our pleasure. Our goal is to read the Bible through like a novel.
Thought I would share how we did it with you, in case you too want you very own set!

We used these section selections:
1. The Five Books
*(Genesis through Deuteronomy)
Origins of the Jewish race and culture.
2. Old Testament History Books
*(Joshua through Esther)
Continued history of the Israelites. They moved into the land of Canaan and established a kingdom that lasted almost 500 years.
3. Book of Poetry
*(Job through Song of Songs)
These books concentrate on questions about pain, God, life and love. 4. Book of the Prophets *(Isaiah through Malachi) During the years when Kings ruled Israel and Judah, God spoke through prophets. Their primary role was to call God's people back to Him.
5. New Testament History Books
*(Matthew through Acts)
Four accounts of the life of Jesus and the good news he borough to earth. Each of these books has a different focus and a different audience.
6. The Letters
*(Romans through Philemon [Paul's letters]
Hebrews through Revelation [other letters])
The young church was nourished by apostles who set down their beliefs and messages in a series of letters. First 13 such letters written by Paul who led the advance of Christianity to non-Jewish people.
Once you have divided the Bible into sections, fold the scored line of your file folder, making a 1/4" pocket that will hold the text. With folder folded, measure and cut along the length of the folder, then flatten, measure and cut along the width. Our measurements were 9 1/4 x 6 1/4, but that will depend on the size of your Bible.
Title each section with the above suggested information (or any titles you prefer). Run a line of glue down the center of each folder, between the two creased lines. Align the spine of each section with the glue and prop up between two supports (we used cans) until glue is completely dry (at least six hours or overnight).

I could hardly wait for mine to dry. I've started with the New Testament, and I'm already on Chapter 20! What a wonderful project to do with my daughter. Great idea, Merry! :)
I could hardly wait for mine to dry. I've started with the New Testament, and I'm already on Chapter 20! What a wonderful project to do with my daughter. Great idea, Merry! :)
I feel so lucky that you Merry
could be home for 4/5 days and we
could complete such a project. I wish Judy would have finished hers.
Thank you for all you did for me
not the lease being my books.
I love them and it is so tempting
to read all the time. Why does it
make it more interesting?
Thanks for every memory.
Great blog. Every detail explain so clearly to be able to make your own. And I will since my sweet sister gave me all supplies. Thanks, Merry, for sharing! God's Word is worth sharing in any form or fashion.
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