Monday, June 13, 2011

With a song in our hearts...Happy Birthday, Kenneth!

As I went to my Posting chart today I saw that I had already put
this video on there to let go on June 8th, my wonderful brother's
Then I began to figure it out, I just turned 84, so my
memory might have slipped a few days ago.
As I watched this video again today, it brought back
all the good Musical Good Times  the family
 has had, mostly due to the musical
ability of this special brother.
It is my wish and no doubt a fact that
your birthday was filled with all the things you
count as special:
Good friends,
Good family,
And enough joy to last all year.

Just wait until this young man turns around,
Who would believe he is 78.
I love you sweetheart!

1 comment:

juju said...

Yes, that is my Uncle that still makes music to lift us up. Thank you for the years of blessings at the piano. Happy Birthday and can't wait till we gather around the piano again.