Pause with me as I play again in the dusty
lanes of childhood at grandpa's house.
Remember these bigger than life companions
who helped us bridge home and away, child-
hood and maturity. In their footsteps, we
made the journey. Thank you for such a
heritage and a day on which to express
our gratitude. We salute you this day.
Richard, William, Herman and Leonard
Below and bottom left the precious
Richard, William, Herman and Leonard
Below and bottom left the precious
father of my children.
Fix it MG
Mom, sweet blog of Dad, grandaddy's, great grandfather and great great grandfather. What a heritage. You can see why Dad is so handsome.
It is lovely to see a chain of pictures that depicts generations of Fathers that have learned how to father well, from their Fathers before them. They were honorable men who gave us pride in our history.
This is as it was intended.
Happy Father's Day to all the recipiants of this family legacy and to those who have started a new family line. You have done us proud.
(I know Buddy would want me to transfer his comment on to your blog. How sweet of you to write and encourage him by telling him how well Daddy mannaged to live with diabeties and that he could do too!)
5:20 AM
Buddy said...
Thank you for the wonderful letter. Your husband must have been a wonderful man and his story is an inspiration to me with my new life. You have such a beautiful family and so much to be pround of. Keep in touch.
Buddy Carlyle
Atlanta Braves
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