Linda, Max and I enjoyed breakfast with James, poor
man, he works in Juvenile now.

Seeing the beautiful faces of the " old" ones, made me
very happy. What a pleasure it was to work so
many years, and never dread the job.

But, gosh, look at the new ones. When I began in criminal
court in 1968, we had Dene, Icey, Eloise and Me.
Now look what it takes to keep up with criminals in
Rutherford County, she had somewhere in mid 30's
employed now and everyone is still stressed out.
I am still thinking on my suggestion years ago. Let the bad
people have it and make us nice condo's behind
an electric fence and let us live unafraid.
I learned an awfully lot during those years.

Thanks to Eloise for the nice breakfast. Did I
eat or talk?

There she is, the retiring Miss Juvenile Court

There's some old faces down there. At lease one that came
with us when we came to the new building
many years ago. There is one on the
end that we, Linda, Eloise, and I raised from a baby.
After moving to Judge Holloway's back office
our hardest job was looking for
the proper boyfriend for her. We found him the second time
we tried.
I am standing here with the retired world
travelers. Go get um girls.