We are caught up in well-worn, comfy traditions. I ask that the Lord keep them worthy, like a deer path through the forest.They lead us forward then back again. The traditions came from what the British would call the commoners. Both the Pattons and Floyds were from an ordinary world of traditions, so good that we seem to take that path like the deer, back to where we came from. What a decent and lovely heritage we proclaim. My foremost thanks this holiday and every day is thankfullness for that heritage.We rejoice today in friendships, fellowships, acquaintances, parties, and get-togethers of every kind. We gather around this feasting table, humbled by our bounty, of our abundant life. We have so much more than we need. As we poise with fork in hand, ready to overdo, may we learn better how to live as grateful, if overstuffed, children, delighted, surprised, and generous with the sharing of our good fortune. I ask the Lord to help me to share in that abundance, with others less fortunate than we, and may someone, someday,somewhere say I am thankful to have known this person.We are such a part of the past, think of those beautiful tables laid with bounty on Richland Ave. and the wonderful meals always prepared with love on the wonderful Patton farm on Patton Hollow Road. Than take a look at the angel helping in the kitchen right here at 600.May God bless us all abundantly.
What wonderful memories I have of Thanksgiving...I'm passing on the traditions and making some new ones to fit this brave new world of my children! Our lives are indeed abundant, our blood line continues strong, and the kitchen help only gets better!
Oh I understand about the kitchen
help. I was telling the kids about
Leigh coming and taking over the
kitchen, then you coming and how
the two of you make Thanksgiving.
Kim said, "How nice, We just let
Mom take over this year!"
The stinker laughed so hard you
could hear her to Merietta.
Sorry I thought I was on JUJU's blog. I meant to say. {you, Judy
coming and how the two of you>
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