This is indeed a great tradition, starting with the first tree that Leonard and I brought home as a married couple. It always took top priority in our Christmas preparations, and barring none, our tree was always the loveliest ever! Every ornament has a memory, every memory is a gift and every time that tree goes up I see Christmas past and rejoice in the one about to take place.
For every year the Christmas tree,
Brings to us all both joy and glee.
O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree,
Much pleasure doth thou bring me!

Did I say all those things about my grands?------and meant every
word of it.
What a great 24 hours we had. From
getting the under side of the tree
perfectly decorated to Issy and I
sleeping in my new bed together,
it was wonderful and funfilled.
They took me to the Macaroni Grill
for delicious fare.
These memories our so sweet in our minds! Each year, the kids learn more and more what it's like to be a family and serve one another in love. Thank you, Nana, for this very special tradition. God bless your season--rejoicing in our Saviors birth.
We love you. S-C's
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