a US citizen on the 17th of September. Will
anyone get to wittness this in California? You
bet, his mother and dad are headed that way.
Yegor will be about three months behind him
as his work is almost complete I understand.
Yegor continues to let his sholder heal and working
a little here as it heals. I pray that God will look
after both of these boys. What fine citizens they
will make.
We have had just about everything happen through the years in our family, but to witness someone's citizenship is a first! Louis and I think Ukarine's loss is The United States gain!!!! Kirill, I hope You will Love America, even with all it's problems, as we do and will always be proud of Being an American. We are proud of you!!! Yegor, we are excitingly awaiting word of citizenship for you. We love you both!
I am another proud Aunt! Both, Kirill and Yegor, have not only been an asset to this country but also to our family. You have for a long time had your citizenship with us.
I wish we could come along for the celebration!
Aunt Merry
Thank you someone who had available the wonderful picture of our Navy Man.
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