Sunday, May 12, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
Happy Mother's Day, 2013!
I am invading my mother's blog to put her up on a pedestal, give her my praises and wish her a very Happy Mother's Day!
I speak for Betty, as she would for me, and I know Judy and Hugh will do the same. I send our love and gratitude for a lifetime of family, unprecedented in love and devotion. It is truly a gift that keeps on giving.
Thank you Mama, just for being you and teaching us all that you know to be true...God bless.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Lifelong Valentines
His steps became slower
As he walked with his hand in mine:
And although his hair was grayer,
He was still my valentine.
The years had not diminished,
But our love had been refined;
And I found joy and pleasure
With my special valentine.
The love we knew so long ago
Had become richer with time;
And the joys we shared grew deeper,
For we were lifelong valentines.
Valentine Invasion!
Mama...Happy Mother's Day 2012 from Croft on Vimeo.
I wish we could have another tea party together on Valentine's Day. None the less, you will always be mine.
Heart and soul, I love you,
Thursday, January 17, 2013
U nderstanding a need and acting on it by advising, fixing, investing or managing.
G iving freely of his talents; singing, entertaining, speaking or computer skills.
H ugh, is the best son a mother could have.
My heart felt wishes go out to him on this "our" birthday!
Happy Birthday, Hugh Baby! I love you with all my being and proud you are mine.
"Just the son, his Dad and I ask the Lord for, He never makes a mistake. I thank
God for the assurance I feel from this H - U - G - H every day!
God bless you, my son."
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
A tribute to Leonard on the Anniversary of his life in heaven.
This book was the last gift that Leonard lovingly give to me before he died, December 8, 2005. It seems a fitting tribute to mark this day.
I would like to share one of my favorite poems from Ruth Graham's book.
When my Fall comes
I wonder
Will I feel
as I feel now,
glutted with happy memories,
to let them lie
like nuts
stored up against the coming cold?
Squirrels always gather
so I'm told
more than they will ever need;
and so have I.
What a delightful and happy life we shared for over 60 years. We ask God to never let it end and it hasn't, our love is just as vivid today as it was July 15, 1945. We lived without regret as our winter came.
Thank you Sweetheart, for the gift!
"It was so very good of God to let my dreams come true, to note a young girl's cherished hopes, then lead her right to you . . . "
Ruth Bell Graham
Friday, November 16, 2012
Through my eyes...
These are some of the special moments I recall...
Oh, what a GLORIOUS Day it was!

The very sky seemed excited about the day!

Terrence wheeled me down to take my
place on the bride's side of the aisle.
Everyone was meeting and greeting with love and gladness.
Details, details, details!
An old fashioned buggy held treasures brought by some of your guests.
Little fairy like lamps hung, lighting the pathway you and Nate were soon to walk.
I was placed in front of an ancient tree where more beautiful lanterns hung. It made me act like the tree and feel strong and wise too...
Full of pride that I was once again going to be able to welcome a new member into our family.
With music keeping them in time, the bridal party slowly came down the aisle to prepare Nate, and all of us there, to witness your grand entrance!
A last, there your were, in all your beauty, walking to take your place beside your mate, but stopping to share a heart moment with your mother that she will never forget.
Your minister shared with you and Nate his wisdom and obvious love.
He married you, right there in front of the hitching post! You kissed to seal your self-written vows.
Then, OH did we party! First in the barn for appetizers...
then to the bigger barn for an elegant sit-down dinner!
You showed me your beautiful bouquet that dangled with pictures of loved ones, dear to your heart, who had left for heaven before they could witness this happy day. They were indeed there in spirit because you brought them inside you!

Your perfect wedding cake was near where I was seated.

So I got to watch you cut and feed it to your new husband. You looked so happy.
Your brothers looked so happy...
as they celebrated you and danced proudly with you, showing their love.

I watched with a tired body but was mesmerized with the magic of it all.
At last Cinderella's carriage had to go home; but know that I am so glad I could witness your wedding day.
Please bring Nate and stop by often and be happy, "as time goes by", just as Papa and I were.
I love you.
(pictures by Merry)
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Click the above website and visit Merry's insightful recount of our 2012 Floyd Family Reunion. It was heartwarming to see all of you and I was blessed by making the effort to get this old body there to join you in fellowship, love and reunion. Being able to read my grandmother's poem, "Two Little Sunbeams', was indeed a highlight for me.
Until next we meet...I love you,

Until next we meet...I love you,
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
In February, 1944, Leonard came back to Tennessee, after working in California a year and half and
went to Oak Ridge, Tennessee to get a job. Maybe I should say he went to a piece of land which they were going to call Oak Ridge. It looked like the background in the above picture.
The little "huts" to the left in the picture were the huts these men called home, as they worked to build a city which would become know all over the world. Leonard lived in one of these.
He was hired by the Oak Ridge Police Department and drove Car 9, along with another young man he
called Griff. They work together and became very good friends. Such good friends that when we finally had a boy we named him Hugh, after Hugh Griffin, and it was very fitting also because my grandfather's name was Hugh Floyd. Hugh later became Security at University of Tennessee and still lives in the Knoxville area.
We still see them now and then through the years and always at the Horse Show Celebration in Shelbyville each year. We would visit them in their box.
When Leonard first started working in Oak Ridge, he stood on wooden boxes in the middle of dirt roads and directed traffic. Once this happened it was like magic, a city was born overnight. No one knew what was going on behind these big plant doors.
We rented a house in Clinton and lived there six months after we were married. Then we came back where
Leonard ran a Hardware Store for my Father.
I married this policeman and it was the best choice I ever made.
went to Oak Ridge, Tennessee to get a job. Maybe I should say he went to a piece of land which they were going to call Oak Ridge. It looked like the background in the above picture.
The little "huts" to the left in the picture were the huts these men called home, as they worked to build a city which would become know all over the world. Leonard lived in one of these.
He was hired by the Oak Ridge Police Department and drove Car 9, along with another young man he
called Griff. They work together and became very good friends. Such good friends that when we finally had a boy we named him Hugh, after Hugh Griffin, and it was very fitting also because my grandfather's name was Hugh Floyd. Hugh later became Security at University of Tennessee and still lives in the Knoxville area.
We still see them now and then through the years and always at the Horse Show Celebration in Shelbyville each year. We would visit them in their box.
When Leonard first started working in Oak Ridge, he stood on wooden boxes in the middle of dirt roads and directed traffic. Once this happened it was like magic, a city was born overnight. No one knew what was going on behind these big plant doors.
We rented a house in Clinton and lived there six months after we were married. Then we came back where
Leonard ran a Hardware Store for my Father.
I married this policeman and it was the best choice I ever made.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
In 1942 this handsome Senior boy walked over to my seat in Study Hall and grinned down at me - - then helped himself to half of my seat. During those few minutes that Miss Amy allowed him to sit there
Thursday, July 12, 2012
A few days at Springland and...
Judy showers me with love and fluffs me with pretty...
My vacation this summer - - five days at Springland, with Judy and Louis. Yes, indeed they fluffed and prettied me all five days. Louis enjoyed the Braves games with me each day, and Judy kept the flowers from her garden in every room. Her hydrangea bushes have been outstanding. She is enjoying growing Zinnias. Special things fit for a Queen - - Special baths and showers with a chaperone - -great meals prepared especially for me - -warm chats on the porch late at night - - special treats brought to my bedroom, for the times I wake up and work a puzzle or two. - -special prayer time together at my bedside, prayer for Judy's children and decisions they are making, and prayer for our entire family and church family. Aloha and Aloha! Hello and Goodbye.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Saturday, May 19, 2012
We just call it 600.
It was 1959 when Interstate Life transferred Leonard from Cookeville to Murfreesboro, Tennessee. After staying at the Old James K. Polk Hotel for a week while looking for a house, we saw a sign board, right across the front door of 600 that said, “For Rent”. We looked at it and visited with the owners, Baxter and Frances Hobgood, that night. The Hobgoods fell in love with our precious children, and rented the house to us for $75.00 a month.
The house was near a good grammar school, the square where we both worked and was only five blocks from church. During the years we were living there, we offered, from time to time, to buy the house; but Mrs. Hobgood would not sell, even when she went into a nursing home. We lived here 40 years before she agreed to sell us her childhood home.
We had lots and lots of our children's friends here and many slumber parties. One slumber party found 100 boys and girls here until midnight and 65 girls spending the night, bedded down in sleeping bags all over the house.
There were chandeliers in every room and we lost several globes during yo-yo season when the children were in there early teens.
Our family has increased from 6 to 57 in the past 53 years since we came to 600. Family gathering have filled the house with joy and love each holiday during all of those years.
The painters have just given 600 a new facelift. They did a marvelous job, it looks ready for another half century of fellowship. Our home will always be remembered as the childhood home to my children rather than the quaint little five room house where we lived when they were all born, or in Cookeville where we spent two fun years.
This is a rather big house for one little old lady, but I have a good alarm system, and feel very safe here with my memories. I am pictured above waving to Merry as she heads home after a few days visit. I feel so lucky to be able to stay here for this long and I am indeed fortunate to have three awesome children who love me and make sure I have everything I need.
Yes, again I say, thank God for the wonderful gift.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
A Mother's Day Invasion of Queentalks!
Titus 2:4 says, train younger women "to love their husbands and be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be reviled." ...You set an example to us of these things and we continue to strive to live up to the standard.
Proverbs 19:18 tell us to, "Discipline your son, for in that there is hope"...we have indeed experienced that hope many times.
In Proverbs (31:28) the Bible says, "Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her". ...We do and he did.
Like your mother before you, may we continue to pass on what you have taught us.
Happy Mother's Day, Mama
With love from,
Thursday, May 3, 2012
May 3…for My Mama
May 3, you have come – the day I always sing
“Happy Birthday, Dear Mama” – the familiar tune, it must ring!
Can you hear my voice as I sing the words to you?
You’ve gone on before me, but our love is so true.
“Happy Birthday, Dear Mama”, a party, a cake…
This year so very different, no sweet pastry to bake.
You are loved, you are missed, you are needed right here.
What a party, not so long ago, has it really been a year?!
Son named John, daughter Susan, Jahnna with dark eyes and hair,
Of course, Dani and also Angie…at so many parties we were there!
Much love from Mike, later Jeanette, and the boys who married your girls,
Late came Ellie, a great grandchild, little blond one, fresh made curls!
“Tista Dendedon”, Brother Ken, and then Baby Girl Polly,
We remember, we do love you, and we know that by golly…
You celebrate your own birthday in the presence of THE KING!
There a brother, there a daddy, there a mother, they will sing!
“Happy Birthday, Dear Mama”, the song I sing out loud!
To be your little girl, even grown now, forever I am proud!
And proud of you, my Mama, of our hearts whose link will break never
Cross our fingers; weave them together; I love you always, forever and ever!
by: Susan Headrick
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
A Jewel
Betty 5/2/46 - 10/30/02
I held a Jewel in my fingers
And went to sleep
The day was warm, and winds were prosy
I said, "Twill keep"
I woke..and chid my honest fingers,
The Gem was gone..
And now, an Amethyst remembrance
Is all I own...
Emily Dickinson
I will always celebrate the day you were born...Mom
Monday, February 27, 2012
A Visit To Atlanta
Special memories were made this past week when I took a trip to Atlanta to visit
Steps to my bedroom |
Our STAR after the show. |
The glorious day continued when the family escorted me to grandson, Mike's house to visit with him and his dear family. The house was bursting with grandchildren and great grandchildren when Merry and Terrence joined us to shortly take me home for a little rest.
Thanks Atlanta family for your love and attention. I had a wonderful time!
Grandchildren, Kim and Mike
A photo for the memory book, great-grandchildren, William, Isabelle, Joe, Emily and Andrew
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