Merry, is the supporting wife, for 31 years, of Terrence, Esq., the proud mother of this fine family, the grandmother of its nine, the keeper of family archives, the caretaker of two homes, a painter and number two daughter. Painting by Merry->
Merry and Terr's grandchildren; "The best of the best." mpc
<-Mike and Mary (Attorney and Personal Trainer), children: Joe and Isabelle
Shannon and Molly (Doctor and Fund Raiser for GA Tech), children: Morgan and Ford ->
<-Tom & Kim (Graphic Artist and Designer), children: Emily, Andrew & William
Kristin (Attorney), children: Keegan, Aidan->
<-Kate & Jeremy(Consultant to Eat Well Guide and Enviomentalist)
Beth (Paralegal, who has just taken the CA Bar exam! GOOD LUCK BETH!) ->
Schedules. Commitments. So much to do, so little time. Take, for instance, spring break. This family will be so scattered, doing their own personal things, such as baseball stuff, for Ford and Shannon, rock climbing for Molly and Morgan. The Florida sun for the Mike Regas' . Then there is Disney World, which will be William's first time, for the Sabonis-Chafee's. I am sure the rest also have plans for the Spring Fling.
Have you ever wanted to escape the pressures of the fast lane? Spending time in solitude and contemplation--to truly stop and smell the roses? Walking the tranquil hills, spraying waterfalls, humble dwellings, grazing cattle or sheep? Getting a fresh perspective and spiritual insight and experience the harmony and beauty of nature. You could also search out the heart and mind of nature's Creator and come to know Him in a deeper way.

My thoughts as I read this post...
Almost 20 years ago cancer reared it ugly head in my life and I thought my life was over. So many people helped me, so many people prayed over me. I look back and see in my weakness what I gained by His power...
I've been loved by a fine man. I've seen all my children graduate college and graduate school, start careers, marry, have babies and success. I've spent holidays and vacation with them, gone to ball games and plays of my grandchildren and just hung out on a Sunday afternoon...All by the grace of God.
I am humbled at what He has done for me and I pray every day that others will see the power of His presents in my life. I'll work harder to be all I can be.
To God be the Glory for the things He has done.
What a testimony of how God can take our broken hearts and lives and makes them whole again. Beautiful family!!
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