Mothers birth. I would have loved to have seen
her at 100. She was so ageless.
Always a good sport.
My brother gave the ladies garnets for Christmas
in memory and honor of Mothers birth month.
I wore mine yesterday very proudly and
I hope the rest of you did the same.
"I still miss you"
Elvis and Grandmother share the same birthday. I think Paulette is his biggest fan and probably made grandmother like him a little,too. Yes, I loved her quiet spirit and dedication to her home and family. She was content in whatever situation she was in, She never said no to go. She was a great sport and interested in everyone's life. Her door was always open and her heart was ,too. I am one of her biggest fans!!!
Ah, I didn't know it was her birthday...I wish I had my necklace here in the mountains, I would put it on and think about her sweet spirit. She was, and gave to us, the epitome of a good mother!
I wish I had known her better. You know, as a person and not just a great-grandmother. I think it's easy for children to see us old people as just that. As I get older I see how much depth there is to us old people. I missed the blessing with Greatma to not have known her like Julu wrote about. But I can imagine her that way if she was anything like the rest of you......bo
Mama, I sure do miss you making Queenly noise on your blog! Come back!!
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