And then it's Winter
You know, time has a way of moving quickly and catching you
unaware of the passing years. It seems just yesterday that I
was young, just married and embarking on my new life with
my mate. And yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder
where all the years went. I know that I lived them all............
And I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes
and dreams.......But, here it is.....the winter of my life and it
catches me by surprise.....How did I get here so fast????????
Where did the years go???? Where did my babies go???????
And where did my youth go?????
I remember well.....seeing older people through the years and
thinking that those older people had no worries, no job,
and their lives were so different to our busy, busy life.
I have since found that those older people had the same love
of life that young people have, have the same desires for
companionship as the young people do.
Although, God had filled my heart with so many memories
of those days gone by, it is still easy to day dream of all the
sweet things of yesteryear. I stood transfixed last night
watching a perfectly round crimson sun hanging motionless
above a distant line of trees, with bare wintry limbs
reaching up as if to puncture the glowing roundiness.
Finally I turned to walk to the car with my friends, but I
glanced back once toward the west. In just those
short minutes, the sun's brillianace had already fled. and
its sharp feature had blurred into the darkened sky around
it. What I had captured had gone. Yet not in my memory.
In sunsets I see gentle greying of older age, I see life's
meaning clearer and loved ones dearer.
I treasure most the lesson from the Psalmist, who sees
heaven reaching down to Kiss the Earth, The Psalmist
says Love and faithfullness meet together. There is
a time and season for everything, this is the season
for all who love to share that love with the world.
Have a blessed Christmas and a healthy New Year.