Here's Casey Patton Willard back in 1999 with his Kindergarten Diploma, he was so proud and actually smiled without complaining.
May 24, 2007, a little taller and acting a little more immature than back in 1999, but ready for high school. Tryouts for the basketball team at Cannon County High are at noon tomorrow, KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSED! The AAU team blog is CANNONCOUNTYBOYS, check it out!
Just wanted all to know that this posting was posted by proud Mom, Anna. Nana has been asking for a picture of Casey's face, so here's one from yesterday(1999) and today(2007). It's hard to get a good picture of him, he runs everytime I get the camera out. Love to all, Anna
A well deserved PROUD...Congratulations Casey!!
Aunt Merry
(Good posting Anna. You should teach Nana and me how it is done!)
I also know one proud grandmother, who would have joined Mom and Great
Mother. She would have loved this
child beyond all measure.
Same tree at each graduation.
It is full of ivy now! and snakes!
It kills my soul every day that Betty is not here to share Casey's life with him. They shared a love like no other. I am sure she is looking down on him each and every day and beaming with pride in her Grandson. She used to come to all his games and I know she is proud of his basketball skills.
Just an update...Casey Patton Willard and all his AAU Team Members are officially Cannon County Lions! All 10 boys made the high school team, matter of fact-they make up over half the High School team - there are a total of 19 Lions and 10 of them are incoming our incoming Freshman. Another proud moment for Mom/Dad - I think we were more nervous than he was...
BRAVO! I will possibly live to
see some games. Nana
I have done a couple of things that may make your blogging less frustrating:(
I set it up so you get an email of all the commments made on Queenstalk - if you don't like this, just let me know and I will remove it or you can go to "Settings", then "Comments", then go to the bottom to "Comments Notification Address" and just erase your email address and then "Save Settings".
I also tried to shrink the "Queenie" picture to 5 x 7, but it didn't work too well. If you find that other picture and want to add it, just go to "Layout", then to the "Queenie" box at the bottom of the screen and edit it, you can change the picture there.
Casey and I enjoyed our visit with you this afternoon. I wish you hadn't already eaten, we would have loved to have you join us at Toot's.
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