These are some of the special moments I recall...
Oh, what a GLORIOUS Day it was!

The very sky seemed excited about the day!

Terrence wheeled me down to take my
place on the bride's side of the aisle.
Everyone was meeting and greeting with love and gladness.
Details, details, details!
An old fashioned buggy held treasures brought by some of your guests.
Little fairy like lamps hung, lighting the pathway you and Nate were soon to walk.
I was placed in front of an ancient tree where more beautiful lanterns hung. It made me act like the tree and feel strong and wise too...
Full of pride that I was once again going to be able to welcome a new member into our family.
With music keeping them in time, the bridal party slowly came down the aisle to prepare Nate, and all of us there, to witness your grand entrance!
A last, there your were, in all your beauty, walking to take your place beside your mate, but stopping to share a heart moment with your mother that she will never forget.
Your minister shared with you and Nate his wisdom and obvious love.
He married you, right there in front of the hitching post! You kissed to seal your self-written vows.
Then, OH did we party! First in the barn for appetizers...
then to the bigger barn for an elegant sit-down dinner!
You showed me your beautiful bouquet that dangled with pictures of loved ones, dear to your heart, who had left for heaven before they could witness this happy day. They were indeed there in spirit because you brought them inside you!

Your perfect wedding cake was near where I was seated.

So I got to watch you cut and feed it to your new husband. You looked so happy.
Your brothers looked so happy...
as they celebrated you and danced proudly with you, showing their love.

I watched with a tired body but was mesmerized with the magic of it all.
At last Cinderella's carriage had to go home; but know that I am so glad I could witness your wedding day.
Please bring Nate and stop by often and be happy, "as time goes by", just as Papa and I were.
I love you.
(pictures by Merry)