1902 - 1976

My wonderful Dad would have been 107 years old today
had he still been with us.
No one was ever loved more and no ever did more for
his fellowman than Dad.
He is pictured here with his "Miss Macon" whom he
loved and adored.
Bless my mind tonight Lord, as I have some exciting
thinking to do, and I know that all finite creativity springs
from the Infinite Creator.
Bless me and my sibblings tonight as we remember
I for two reasons celebrate
The lovely great Armistice date.
We heard the news - A peaceful sign
Sixteenth birthday of that boy of mine.
Each year the glad Armistice Day
Comes first - then we lay the tray.
We think of all the boys that gave
Their lives - and did their country save.
And then we think of those that's here
Who also served without a fear
We fall right back then at our own
We must not leave our boy alone.
For on each grand Armistice Day
Our boy, he has a glad birthday
We raise our eyes to God in prayer
For Mothers of the war graves there.
And always think of what may come
An awful war may claim our own.
Ethel Mai George
The Poet Ethel Mai George was the mother of my
father. This poem was found amoung
hundreds she had written down during her
lifetime, leaving us amazed at her